Monday, March 1, 2010

Do Over!!!

We had a very rough start to our homeschooling morning this Monday morning. Everybody had a bad attitude - me included! After trying for half an hour or so to get everyone to comply, I had an idea. I sent the kids to their rooms and told them that I wasn't happy with anyone's attitude this morning, including my own. They were to go upstairs and talk to God about their attitudes and pray that He would change them. I would do the same.

So, we went to our own corners for a few minutes and spent time with God. I confessed my attitude and my hollering and asked God to give me His love for my children. I asked Him to help me treat them with His love, patience and joy.

The kids came down a few minutes later and the rest of the morning went SO much better! I think I'll use that idea more often!

Do you need a 'do over'? A reset button? Thankfully, God allows us that. We can come to Him with our stress, our sin, our bad attitudes and lay them at His feet. He takes them away and fills us with His goodness instead. What a God we serve!


Happy Healthy Home said...

We have had a few of those days over the years too! God is so good to help us "reset".

Bekah and Corey said...

What an awesome idea, Amy! I'll have to try that on our next bad attitude day!
