This idea of trust struck both my husband and I lately, although God used different means for each of us. What are the two hardest areas in life to trust God with? Our health and our finances. I'm sure some people have other 'trust issues' but I'm guessing those are the big ones.
Joe is very financially wise and we've been working to pay off our mortgage early. He confessed that he was tempted to think, "If we just get the house paid off, then it won't matter so much if I lose my job." He realized that although paying off the mortgage is a wise thing to do, he shouldn't trust in that to provide for us. God will take care of us, regardless of what happens. (He doesn't have any reason to think he may lose his job - you just never know!)
I was thinking about it from a medical standpoint. If this test just comes out this way, or if the doctor says this is OK, then all will be alright. Well, it's good to be healthy and to work toward being more healthy, that shouldn't be what we're trusting in, either.
I'm guessing the Psalmist was talking about going to battle with chariots and horses in Psalm 20. It would be a very logical thing to think that if you only had enough chariots and well-trained horses, that your chances of winning would be better. Isn't that a normal way to think? It would be like going into battle today and thinking that if we had enough soldiers and weapons, we'd be more likely to win. Soldiers and weapons are definitely good things to have in battle, but God says we should trust Him instead of trusting in those things.
What are your 'chariots and horses' that you're tempted to trust in rather than trusting in God?
1 comment:
Good article. I think I struggle the most with financial security and worry about paying off our mortgage. If I were trusting at the level I should be, then I wouldn't worry about these things.
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