1. Get outside, no matter how cold, wet or gloomy it is. Even just for 5-10 minutes. There's something about fresh air that lifts the spirits. The other day we went outside and collected fall leaves for 10 minutes. Everyone was much happier afterwards!
2. Do an art project. Creativity also seems to help bring some light to dark moods. We pressed our leaves and made place mats from them. Bring out the paint or the play dough.
3. Put on some lively music. Classical music, praise and worship, whatever fits your family.
4. Play a game. Maybe it's a good day to bring out Chutes and Ladders, Candyland or teach the kids to play checkers.
5. Accomplish something simple but satisfying. I vacuumed out my car while the kids were collecting leaves. It REALLY needed to be done but didn't take much effort. It looked SO much better and I felt great about having it done. (Hubby was glad, too!)
6. Laugh! Go tickle your kids or watch a funny movie with them. Have them take turn telling jokes, no matter how corny.
7. Get moving! Do jumping jacks with the kids, or jump rope in the basement or "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes". Get the blood flowing.
Anyone have other tips to share? The weather isn't going to get nicer any time soon...
1 comment:
I have found when I am feeling blue that the best remedy is
1) Literally counting my blessings and naming them one by one. It turns a sense of ingratitude into praise
2) Go and do something for someone else who is worse off than you. Visit a nursing home and hold a lonely persons hand, make a phone call to someone you've neglected (or make a homemade card for them)
3) Bake for someone who doesn't have the time to do it, and surprise them with a visit!
4) Take a nap!! Sometimes we just didn't get enough sleep the night before; so for a mom with little ones---make it a special loving time where you all curl up together on her bed, and take a 'happy nap' together---followed by cocoa!!
These things help me....
Love Joann
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