He said that our spiritual maturity and our emotional maturity are linked. Some of us have emotional issues from our past that are keeping us from developing emotionally and spiritually. Do you struggle with trying to impress others and build yourself up? (I do!) Philippians 2 says that Jesus did not consider equality with God something to be grasped and that we should take the same attitude. Is there something in your past that has triggered that struggle, like a parent you could never please or constant feelings of inadequacy? Do you get defensive when criticized? Wrestle with a food or spending addiction? The list goes on.
If the answer is 'yes', is it time for counseling? Well, I can't answer that question for you, but Jesus was clear that He wants us to bring all our 'junk' to Him.
"Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light." Matthew 11:28
So, whether or not you feel led to talk through some issues with someone else, we definitely need to work through them with Him. If you have issues from your past that need to be worked through, I would highly recommend the book Building the Christian Family You Never Had. In the first half of the book, author Mary DeMuth describes her own very challenging time growing up and walks readers through how to process, forgive and heal from past hurts. I've heard many times people say that we need to be healed from our pasts, but never read a better description of HOW to go about doing that with God. The point of the book is that we can't really avoid repeating how we were raised until we are healed from it.
So, if there is something creating a gap between what you know about walking with God and what you actually live out, ask God to probe your heart to see if there's something that needs healing before you can move forward with Him.
What a great post! I am one who has broken the cycle from when I was young but I do still find myself struggling with things like "longing for acceptance". Thanks for posting this!
Though a long time Christian, I struggle with my inability to say no to someone I love. Recently, I've found myself whining to my family because of the fatigue that often results. My emotions recently have made me feel spiritually weak though I know God is my strength. To God be the glory, I did say no today. It was difficult but I know it was the right thing to do. Your post ministered to my weary heart. Thank you.
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