In my attempt to eat healthy, I've noticed an interesting principle. Eating junk tends to make me crave more junk. Sometimes one helping makes me feel gross and I take the attitude, "Well, I feel icky anyway - might as well have have another." Or, one doesn't bother me and I figure that I can therefore afford to have another. Regardless, eating junk begets eating junk.
On the other hand, when I eat better food, I feel better and crave sweets less. Eating well begets continually eating well.
I think there is a parallel in the spiritual world. It's been quite a challenge to set aside time to spend with God alone. I used to be a morning person, but I definitely am not any more. But, if don't spend time with God before the kids get up, it's much harder to find time 'alone' to spend with Him. As I continue in the pattern of not taking that time, it doesn't bother me as much. I get frustrated when I think of spending time with God because I don't know what to read or what to pray about. Instead of feasting on Him, I fill up on 'junk food', finding satisfaction in lesser things.
But, when I spend time with God consistently, nothing else fills me the same way. I develop an appetite for spiritual things and lose my desire for the things that are not of God.
What is spiritual 'junk food'? Anything that I attempt to feast on instead of God. I find myself checking email and facebook every few minutes, hoping to bring excitement to my day. Those things aren't bad or wrong, but I sometimes look to them to fulfill me. Watching TV, shopping, eating, they can all fit into the category of spiritual 'junk food'. Taken too much or for the wrong reasons, they fill me up with empty calories and don't satisfy. They dull my appetite for God's Word and His presence.
When I find myself in the bad cycle, either literally by eating junk food, or spiritually, it takes some extra effort to switch the momentum. There is a period where I REALLY want something sweet but have to force myself to say no. Once I'm 'good' for a while, the sugar cravings subside. The same thing happens spiritually. There is frequently a period where I feel like spending time with God is hard and a big effort. Once I stick it through, I begin to see my attitudes and appetites shift.
"I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in Me will never go thirsty." John 6:35
What will you feast on?
Excellent meditation, Amy. I have often noted the same thing --as well as a similar thing with Water--which symbolises the Holy Spirit. Though water is the only thing that6 actually satisfies our cravings and quenches thirst, we will drink anything BUT water unless forced by circmstances or ill health to do so. However once the body has gone awile drinking only water, all cravings for tea, coke etc goes away, and we begin to crave water. I think that fasting is God's way of repriming our spiritual appetites and thirst after the right things...
Love Joann
So true, Amy! Too often I find myself satisfied with junk, both spiritually and physically!
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