Why is it so hard for us to say no when people ask us to do things? We have a hard time saying no to our kids, to our extended family, to people who want things from us, the list goes on. As a result, we relinquish our time to people and scenarios we never intended to. When someone asks us to fill a position or volunteer or take on a new job or switch work schedules, we lack the courage to say no.
We somehow feel that the godly, servant thing to do, is to say YES whenever anyone asks something of us. Our time and energy is precious and limited. When we give it away without careful consideration and prayer, we are doing ourselves, our families and God a disservice. I read the quote recently that said that if we’re too busy to get everything done in the time we have, then there must be some things on our list that God didn’t put there.
So what do we do?
1. Start by not saying ‘yes’. “Let me get back to you on that” is a great line to use. Don’t let someone fluster you into saying yes when you don’t want to.
2. Then, you have time to think about it, pray about and talk with your spouse or a close friend about it. Sleep on it for at least a night.
3. Decide what your priorities are. Look at your schedule and figure out what is non-negotiable. If this new commitment doesn’t fit into what is important to you.
4. What do you WANT to do? Even if you have time for something, do you want to do it? Sometimes we should serve even if we’re not excited about it. But if you do that, make sure it’s something God wants you to do.
5. Make choices based on what you believe to be God’s will, not out of guilt. Enough said?
6. If it’s a “no”, then ask God for the courage to call the person back and graciously tell them no.
We somehow feel that the godly, servant thing to do, is to say YES whenever anyone asks something of us. Our time and energy is precious and limited. When we give it away without careful consideration and prayer, we are doing ourselves, our families and God a disservice. I read the quote recently that said that if we’re too busy to get everything done in the time we have, then there must be some things on our list that God didn’t put there.
So what do we do?
1. Start by not saying ‘yes’. “Let me get back to you on that” is a great line to use. Don’t let someone fluster you into saying yes when you don’t want to.
2. Then, you have time to think about it, pray about and talk with your spouse or a close friend about it. Sleep on it for at least a night.
3. Decide what your priorities are. Look at your schedule and figure out what is non-negotiable. If this new commitment doesn’t fit into what is important to you.
4. What do you WANT to do? Even if you have time for something, do you want to do it? Sometimes we should serve even if we’re not excited about it. But if you do that, make sure it’s something God wants you to do.
5. Make choices based on what you believe to be God’s will, not out of guilt. Enough said?
6. If it’s a “no”, then ask God for the courage to call the person back and graciously tell them no.
You will find that saying 'no' to things gives you freedom and joy that you may have been lacking. We don't need to be enslaved by what others want us to do!
Another good article, Amy. Can I use some of it for a talk I'm giving to the MOPS group in October? I am speaking on Simplifying Your Life. - Lisa
Very helpful advice! Before I commit to anything, I've learned to say, "Let me talk to my husband." It takes both of us to keep our family's priorities straight.
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