Solution: Be the cool house in the neighborhood that the other kids want to hang out at! That way, your kids are where you can keep tabs on them, you control what influences they’re around, you know they’re safe and you can be an example to those who live nearby.
How? Have cool kid stuff that you make available. In the summer, we have a rocket sprinkler that is a HUGE kid draw. My kids start playing with it and we suddenly have 5 other kids in our yard laughing and getting soaked. Make a slip and slide out of a tarp. In the winter, make a sledding ramp and track out of snow. Make your home and yard a fun place for kids to play. What it looks like will depend on the ages of your kids. My husband builds plastic models and flies R/C airplanes – kids love that stuff! Have kid-friendly snacks and drinks to offer. Make home-made cookies. Be June Cleaver (just kidding). Seriously, your house doesn’t have to be immaculate – just fun and available.
Keep it under control… As you have other kids in your home and yard, remember that it’s your house and you set the rules. Being the cool house doesn’t mean you have to allow the kids to do whatever they want. Be clear and firm in your boundaries. I’ve had to tell a 6 year old neighbor that if he continued to use bad language at my house, that he would not be allowed to play there. And, that if he touched our car again, he would be sent home (this was after he was politely instructed a couple times). His 8 year old sister pushed the boundaries as well, and I firmly told her that if she could not listen to me while at my house, that she wouldn’t be allowed to play there. Don’t be afraid to send them all outside on a nice day or simply turn them away if you’re not up for company. It’s your house – take charge. Most kids will respond very well to polite but firm boundaries. Others may test you. Pass the test and you will win their respect. Fail the test and they will walk all over you and drive you crazy.
Witness… You can use the opportunity to let them see you pray before you eat and to teach them how Christians treat each other. You can also gently explain that at our house we honor God and don’t use His name lightly if frequent uses of “Oh my…” abound. Invite them to church, get to know their parents, the opportunities are endless!
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Hey Amy, you won the copy of Kim Woodhouse's book on Relevantblog. Send me an email with your addy at maryedemuth at sbcglobal dot net
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