Sunday, February 1, 2009

25 Random Things About Me

1. I have two young kids who have way more energy than I ever will.
2. I love libraries.
3. I’m somewhat ADHD – I hardly do one thing for more than half an hour or so.
4. My kids sometimes drive me completely crazy, yet I still want to have one more. That’s got to be like the definition of insanity – doing the same thing over and over while expecting a different result. Oh well.
5. I’m hopelessly addicted to coffee. I’ve quit several times only to re-hook myself later.
6. I can’t stand the Teletubbies and won’t let my children watch them.
7. I can’t wait to learn history chronologically alongside my kids. I wish I had been taught that way.
8. I also plan to teach my kids Greek and learn alongside them. (We home school in case you couldn’t guess.) I totally want to be able to read the Bible in the original languages.
9. Watching my son learn to read is one of the coolest things in the world.
10. I’m starting to think that I’m sick of living in the upper Midwest. The winters are SO COLD!
11. I wish I lived on a farm in the 1800s. Seriously. I suppose I could become Amish, but my husband would never go for it in a million years.
12. I wish someone had forced me to learn to play piano when I was a kid.
13. I wish I still had my tenor saxophone. It would be a blast to play again!
14. I probably think about money way too often.
15. I’m still using the beat up dresser I had growing up.
16. As my children just reminded me, we have 3 pets – two frogs and one fish. Do the crickets that feed the frogs count?
17. I think kindergarteners are very cute. It all goes downhill after that. (Not really, but sometimes it seems that way.)
18. I’m having a hard time coming up with 25 things.
19. I generally hate going clothes shopping.
20. I frequently lack sufficient patience when dealing with my children.
21. My daughter can be the cutest thing in the world or the most infuriating thing in the world. She can flip flop from one extreme to the other with amazing alacrity.
22. I’m not sure that ‘alacrity’ was the right word to use in #21…
23. “Bedtime for Francis” is one of my favorite children’s books.
24. I love reading historical fiction.
25. I think the “Olivia” books for kids are kind of weird. I just don’t get them.


Wendy Blight said...

Amy, thank you for stopping by my blog today and signing up as a "follower." What a sweet surprise and blessing!!!

Anonymous said...

You are so refreshing and encouraging to me Amy. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

I love all the Francis books! I was so excited to hear you are a fellow writer! I just started my blog a few months ago.
Lisa Roberts