My mother passed away last week and I don't know if she's in heaven or not. I think she is, but I really don't know. She made a profession of faith years ago and we saw fruit from that decision, but then that fruit faded. She was terrified to die, rather than being confident that she went to her Father's loving arms. Did she really know Him?
There's one thing I DO know. She didn't live the victorious life in Christ that God had planned for her. She struggled with depression, feelings of insecurity and inadequacy. She was so overweight that it caused her death in the end. She never gained victory over those things and the other demons in her life. She was a wonderful, kind, loving, "good" person, but God had so much more for her.
It's made me wonder a couple things about myself. Do I live the victorious life in Christ that He has planned for me? Am I struggling with things needlessly rather than finding victory in Christ? When I die, will my family wonder if I'm in heaven? Will I be afraid to die? I can't change my mother's choices, but I can change my own. I can choose trust, peace and prayer over anxiety. I can choose self-control over indulgence. Joy over complaining.
What will you choose today?