Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Recycle your coffee!

If you're a coffee junkie like me, you know how expensive the habit can be. Depending on how picky your tastes are, you can spend $7-$10 on a pound of coffee. Going to Starbucks all the time adds up very quickly.

I have a goofy habit of never finishing a cup of coffee. It gets cold before I drink it all and nuked coffee just isn't the same. Pouring the rest down the drain feels like throwing away money. So, I thought I'd share a little trick I started doing to cut down on my coffee waste and make for a nice afternoon treat.

When my coffee gets cold, whether I brewed it at home or bought it at the coffee shop, I pour it into a plastic jug and add a little chocolate syrup. I like my hot coffee with no sugar, but unsweetened ice coffee doesn't work for me. The chocolate syrup adds a little sweetness, almost like an iced mocha and it tastes great! Then into the fridge it goes. I drink some when I need a boost or a treat and add to it as go.
I usually brew fresh coffee in the morning, then drink my 'mocha' after lunch. It saves me from brewing another cup in the afternoon, and doesn't waste what I do brew or buy out.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Looking for a Spiritual Challenge?

First, congrats to Brenda Greenhow for winning the book drawing!

In church today, we had a guest speaker. He is the president of a nearby Christian college and has worked as a missionary to China. He has a very interesting habit when he goes out to eat. After the waitress brings him his food, he tells her that he plans to pray before he eats and asks if he can pray for her. He says there's almost always a moment of stunned silence. A few are annoyed, but most are willing to tell him something to pray for. What a neat way to show the love of Christ!

We only go out to a sit-down dinner once or twice a month, but I'd like to get up the guts to do it. I'm certainly not an extrovert by nature, but how hard can it be to open your mouth and ask a simple question?

I'm also not a big tract person, because I think relationships are much more effective and, well, personal. But, what about combining praying for a waitress with leaving her a gospel tract with her tip? Praying for her might just soften her heart and make her more receptive to a relationship with God.

If you decied to try it, leave me a comment and let me know what happens!